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Household waste separation: recyclable, organic and combustible

What sets EveRé apart is the fact that it is equipped with a sorting unit capable of treating all household waste received, directing the various types of waste to the most appropriate treatment.

This unit can separate organic matter from combustible materials and can remove the final recyclable elements.

  • Organic matter (leftover food, garden waste, etc.)
    >> is sent to the organic recovery unit.
  • Combustible material
    >> is sent to the energy recovery unit.
  • Residual recyclable materials (ferrous metals, aluminium, plastic bottles and vials)
    >> are extracted and sent to the appropriate recycling circuits.


400,000 TONNES/year

of household waste received

10 000 TONNES/year

of metals and plastics are sent to recycling via the automated sorting operations



Technical processes to ensure optimum sorting


Machine that sorts waste according to size. It is a long rotating cylinder pierced with holes of various sizes.


This is a magnet that collects ferrous metals.


This machine compresses the metals extracted from the waste to form packages of approximately 15 kg. These packages are then sent for recycling.


This machine sorts waste according to shape and density. It can thus separate hollow items (bottles of all sizes and uses, etc.) from flat items (plastic films and bags, etc.). In concrete terms, inside the ballistic separator, the waste passes over an inclined vibrating table: hollow items bounce and drop to the lower part of the table, while flat items do not bounce and are conveyed to the upper section. This is the first step in the separation of plastics.


This machine, representing the second step in the separation of plastics, receives all hollow plastics (recyclables) and sorts them into three major families: HDPE (opaque plastic bottles), clear PET (transparent plastic bottles) and dark PET (coloured transparent plastic bottles). This selection is made by means of a series of cameras that actuate air jets to direct the waste to the appropriate boxes.


This machine crushes and compresses bottles into bales better suited to transport to the recycling facilities. A 300-kg plastic bale can contain up to 10,000 bottles.

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